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System-Requirements: Please read this before downloading
- Any GeForce, Quadro or Radeon (up to 1950 XT) must be the primary display adaptor.
- Supported are Windows 2000 und XP, but not Windows 95 and NT 4.0, also not Windows 98 and ME! An unsupportet version can be found here
- For GeForce1 and 2, and for Radeon up to 9200, aTuner offers base support. For GeForce3, 4 Ti and FX are additional options. For Radeons, modelnumbers with 9500+ can take full advantage aTuner.
- The modifications from Omegacorner are not supported at this time. ONLY official drivers directly from Nvidia and ATI are supported. It's a matter of luck, if vendor-specific or otherwise modified drivers are working with aTuner.
Problems with the download? Please read this
- This aTuner-version is NOT compatible with ATI's new CCC. Use this aTuner-version with Radeon only with the common (or without any) Control Panel.
- If you uprade to aTuner 1.9.60 or higher from a lower version, please read this post before you install the new aTuner.
- Improved support of GeForce 8.
- Improved detection of Radeon cards.
- Some GeForce 9 cards are now supported (GT, GTX, GX2)
- aTuner finally works correctly with 8800 GT
After fresh driver's installation: It can happens, that the options are "jumping back". If this occurr, apply the "Default"-Button, end aTuner and start it again. If the problem persists, go to the driver's control panel and set the options to any user-defined setting, and check if aTuner now works properly.
nView or Windows Dual-Monitoring: aTuner should be closed by the user, before another screen is activated or deactivated. Since Forceware, you can try to just rightclick on the aTuner monitor-buttons ("P", "S") and a menu will appear. With this menu you can force aTuner to detect the new monitor configuration without an explicit close and restart of the tool.
Zoomed Fonts: All current aTuner-versions offer a workaround. Please look in the aTuner-folder for the "zoom.txt"-file.
- Full hardware- and driver-detection
- Support of any common 3D-hardware from ATI and Nvidia
- Supports up to two monitors on an Nvidia-card via Windows dualmonitoring, TwinView and nView.
- Shows all important 3D quality-settings in a single window
- Support of the un-official modes, too
- Shows the most important settings even in the tooltip from the systray
- Easy-to-use alteration of all
Bequeme Änderung aller relevant tweak-optionen without to have much click-around
- Self-explaining usage
- Does not unnecessarily writes in the registry, but offers a log of all write-actions into the registry.
- Profil-Managment
- Game-Launcher
- Sys-Info with focus on display devices
- Designed to be friendly to other tweakers, like RivaTuner
- Regular support through the author (fast adaption for new drivers)
- Freeware
- For any response there is our forum available.
aTuner is an easy-to-use tweak-tool for GeForce-, Quadro- and Radeon-graphiccards: Last aTuner news:
Known Problems: Features: Further informations:
Where can I ask further questions?
Current stable version: aTuner for Windows 2000/XP
for Detonator/Forceware: 23.11 - 174.53
and for Catalyst 3.0 - 7.1* (not with CCC) (*not fully tested with Cat 7.1)
aTuner Download (ca. 677 kiB)
Additions of the current version: